It has been awhile since I did a post like this, but I love to put these little moments that make my heart smile into writing. Treasured, sweet words that I don’t want to forget as they continue to grow. I hope they make you smile!
Caden: Mom, drive faster!
Me: I am driving fast enough, I don’t want to be speeding.
C: Do your best mom. Do your best.
Complaining that it was 10:00am and I was still in my pajamas.
C: Oh mom, I like you in pajamas.
While driving in the van.
C: Look at the beautiful sky Jesus painted for us.
C: Mom, I love you so much!
Me: I love you more!
C: I love you all the way to Jesus!
C: Mom! We need to make it there on time!
After changing out of some work out clothes.
C: Mom, you look so cute. That is a cute shirt.
Caden’s nose running.
C: Ah, help! My nose is falling!!
Grace pointing to a convertible.
G: Oh look there is a car with no toppings!
After a deer ran in front of our van and I gasped.
G: Oh mom, don’t do that. You scared my heart!
Kolbe: Mom you are going to be sooo mad at me. Like really mad.
Me: Why what happened? I promise I won’t get upset.
K: If I tell you, you are going to be like a lion chasing a gazelle and I am the gazelle!!
After taking the kids to Confession and Kolbe staying behind a bit longer in the church.
K: I was just chatting it up with my guardian angel.
Yes your writing make me smile!!