This past week I have been doing multiple interviews on my book, Nursery of Heaven, sharing my story and God’s faithfulness! With the book being self-published, the marketing is left up to the authors and well ultimately the Holy Spirit who has been taking me for a ride. I was honored to be part of some filming last week, which God-willing (if I make the final cuts) can share more details in the future.
My hope in every interview and promotion of the book is to bring at least one person healing and hope. I want to share this beautiful story with you, (permission has been granted for use) because no matter what our work God can use it and unknown to us, lives may be touched!
Back in February I attended a women’s conference as a vendor, I hesitated going because of the drive (which was located in a different state) and there being no guarantee that I would actually sell any books or break even on the event. I packed up and went anyways with baby Briella as my companion and my amazing mom meeting me to help out.
We had just finished setting up and Briella needed a quick diaper change before things began. When coming out of the bathroom a woman commented on my baby. Somehow our conversation led to us knowing mutual friends, to the book and to her sharing her own story of loss through miscarriage.
Longing to have closure and remembrance of the baby she never held, Grace Cecilia, this past Fall she called the hospital for what would be a year old copy of her baby’s ultrasound from November 2018. She asked them to call back if they had a copy and to which she never received a return call. She shared with me how much she wished she had an ultrasound picture.
She walked back with me to the vendor tables and purchased the book for a dear friend, but a few days later told me that when she got home she read almost the entire book in one day. After reading the book, she felt God tell her to call the hospital again and ask if they had the ultrasound of her baby Grace, now 15 months after the fact.
They called her back and told her no, after a heartfelt conversation. Then later that afternoon she received a voicemail. The message was from a nurse who went into the ultrasound archives and found the pictures! The nurse explained that normally they purge the pictures after one year, but here after 15 months they had appeared!!
This beautiful woman shared her story with me and many others, because she wants people to know that it doesn’t matter your baby’s age, they existed. They had a life no matter how short, God had a purpose for their life and he has a purpose for yours!
On Thursday I will be presenting at a virtual mom’s meet up and I would love for you to join me!! Register here!
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