Me: Oh no!! We don’t ever want to eat poop we would get really, really sick!
(A couple hours later at the doctor with Caden who isn’t feeling well.)
G: I do not need to go to the doctor because I am not sick because I do not eat poop.
Grace was helping me put some towels in the wash machine I walk away forgetting to start it. Grace walks out behind me.
G: I started it mom. You don’t need to, it’s already started.
Walking by the bathroom and seeing Kolbe put soap on his toothbrush.
Me: What are you doing?
K: Just washing my toothbrush. I do it every couple of days to keep it clean and help get rid of the germs. I tried to encourage Ethan to do it as well.
After Kolbe was done switching songs on the CD player.
E: This is the best song, it’s called peace and quiet.
Opening up my prayer book.
G: Once upon a time…Jesus went to Church.
Saying her night prayers.
G: Thank you Jesus for this day, the sunshine and the Eucharist.
K: I am kind of acting like a new student this year.
Me: Oh, how is that?
K: You know, I am not acting all goofy and silly, but much more mature like a third grader should act.
Grace meeting Caden in the hallway, turning around and proceeding to run after him.
G: Caden, stop!
Me: What is he doing? He is not doing anything to you.
G: Yes he is! He’s lyin’!!
In a bit of panic mode realizing that Grace is quiet.
Me: Grace, where are you?
G: I am at confession! In the laundry room going to confession, mom.
Asking the children to share at dinner what brings them joy. After everyone responds with a temporal good it is Grace’s turn.
G: Baby Jesus!
These are all so precious!! The confession in the laundry room cracks me up, so sweet!! Just went today before Advent myself and took both littles into the confessional. Neither one can talk so we should be okay, haha!!
Haha!! Confession is such a challenge with little ones, I think we may receive some extra grace for doing it! I went last weekend and my husband had the littles in the narthex, through closed doors I could here them screaming needless to say I totally lost all train of thought.